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2024-07-11 17:07:35 来源:中华网山东频道



马塞洛·卡塔尼·桑切斯(Marcelo Cattani Sánchez),乌拉圭摄影师,出生于乌拉圭河沿岸的萨尔托市,靠近坎波,在那里他开展了大部分摄影工作,他14岁时开始与一台相机接触,这是他一直接受和从事的职业,在他的职业活动中,乌拉圭、阿根廷、巴西、美国、古巴、秘鲁等国的比赛和双年展、国家和国际摄影展览中都有许多奖项。他还在国际足联认可的2014年巴西世界杯上开展了专业工作,并为纽约的Win Initiative公司开展了活动。他负责萨尔托摄影中心,也是该部荣誉遗产委员会主席。



Marcelo Catani, a Uruguayan photographer born in the city of Salto along the Uruguay River, near Campo, where he carries out most of his photography work. At the age of 14, he began working with a camera, which is a profession he has always accepted and engaged in. In his professional activities,he has won numerous awards in competitions and biennials, as well as national and international photography exhibitions in countries such as Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, the United States, Cuba, and Peru.He also carried out professional work at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil and organized events for Win Initiative in New York.He is responsible for the Salto Photography Center and is also the Chairman of the Honorary Heritage Committee of the department. 

His photography and writing book "Eye of the Soul" (2022) is a recent publication, and according to the author, this book aims to use his photos to vividly showcase his soul and the way he views the world, finding beauty in basic things in a simple way.

Therefore, Katani came with his photo, which was a way for people to understand his art and people, as Bertrand Brech said, "I look like a person holding a brick under his arm to show his house to the world." His photo was a brick under his arm, showing them what his house looks like and opening the door for them.

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