2025年2月,著名国际艺术家徐适在法国巴黎大皇宫法国独立沙龙展ART CAPITAL举办“徐适艺术展”,参加展览开幕式的有法国总统马克龙阁下、大皇宫国家博物馆主席富西利先生。
独立艺术家协会主席达洛兹先生及董事会成员来到巴黎大皇宫观展祝贺,世界著名吉他演奏家David Billière到场演奏。
In February 2025, the famous international artist Xu Shi held the Xu Shi art exhibition at the French Independence Salon Exhibition ART CAPITAL'at the Grand Palace in Paris, France. The opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by the President of France, his Excellency Mr. Macron, and the President of the Grand Palace National Museum, Mr. Fusili.
Mr. Dalloz, president of the Independent artists Association and members of the board of directors, came to the Grand Palace in Paris to congratulate you. There will be world famous guitarists David Billière playing on the stage.
Mr. Xu Shi's Nature. The "Music Series" works of art bring people a strong visual shock, and the works show a magnificent sense of life rhythm, distinct and unique personal visual language. Free creation in the sensibility and rationality of composer, the work has a sense of musical rhythm, expresses the artist's rich emotional expression and unique inner feelings, and makes friends from art circles all over the world. Seeing Mr. Xu Shi's continuous exploration of unique abstract art for many years, artists and critics from all over the world have conducted extensive and in-depth artistic exchanges and discussions. We also look at the new possibilities for the development of art.
法国著名音乐人David Billière在展览开幕激情演奏
徐适,著名艺术家、学术主持、策展人,出生于北京,深造于中央美院油画系高研班。李可染画院当代艺术研究院副院长,中国·国际抽象艺术联盟主席,美国西海岸艺术家协会名誉会长,中国新意象油画会副会长,法国书画家协会副主席,法中文化艺术协会副会长,法国艺术家协会理事,清华大学美术学院油画高研班导师,国韵文华书画院研究员,美协油画学会会员,AAIPA抽象艺术家IP联盟艺术顾问。先后九次在世界各地举办“徐适—新意象艺术巡展”,参加ART CAPITAL 巴黎大皇宫艺术展、卢浮宫国际当代艺术展、美国迈阿密艺术艺博会、巴塞尔艺术博览会、日本东京都美术馆举办个展、纽约艺术博览会,作品被国内外重要博物馆、美术馆及私人收藏。