Anative of Nanjing, Ah Hai studied at the Fine Arts Department of the NanjingUniversity of the Arts,majoring in Chinese painting. During the 1980s, a period rich in idealism andnew wave ideas, he was profoundly influenced by the artistic atmosphere of thetime, which helped him gradually develop a unique painting style. His worksencompass a diverse range of subjects, including flowers, figures, Buddhiststatues, still lifes, and landscapes. The undertones of his paintings are oftendark and mottled; however, upon closer inspection, they reveal an extraordinaryrichness and intrigue. Ah Hai's creativeprocess is characterized by experimentation. He excels in"restarting" and "destroying" elements within his work,incorporating chance and randomness to create dappled visual effects and evenachieving a remarkable metallic texture. This seemingly chaotic expression is,in fact, a profound exploration of order and harmony. His artwork carries deepmeanings, often appearing mysterious or obscure, yet it consistently evokes awarm and clarifying energy. Much like his irises gently swaying in the breeze,his paintings embrace the world with unique passion and courage, offeringcomfort and hope to viewers.