又见狮子林 See Also Lion Grove,2024
布面油画 Oil On Canvas
80 X 80 cm
© Courtesy of the artist
刘曼文 Manwen Liu
纸本水彩 Watercolor On Paper
13.5 X 20 cm
© Courtesy of the artist
In her own work, Liu constructs these simple, pure relationships from nature’s lines, shapes, and surfaces. Her use of color reactivates memories, threading through Renaissance ideals, Russian Realism, and Impressionism’s chromatic explorations. Along her path to becoming an artist, Liu has left behind both sharp and blurred traces—ethereal, vivid, like a dream suspended between clarity and reverie.
Michelangelo:The Darkness Of Being
刘曼文 Manwen Liu
米开朗基罗出生地 Birthplace Of Michelangelo,2024
布面丙烯 Arcylic On Canvas
40 X 30 cm
© Courtesy of the artist
Perched on the hillside of Caprese, the birthplace of Michelangelo is a Renaissance-era house built of stone and brick, its walls covered in moss and creeping vines. The thick stone walls allow no sunlight to penetrate, while a modernist sculpture in the garden stands in shadow, awaiting sunlight’s creative touch once more.
刘曼文 Manwen Liu