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2023-08-25 11:51:06 来源:中华网山东频道



陶渊明归去来兮册(其十)贝壳笺水墨 Ink on shell paper23x40cm2013


(文/付晓东 2023年8曰13日于杭州)

Notes on Brushwork: Lin Haizhong’s Journey Through the Taihang Mountains


As the founding master of landscape painting in the Northern Song Dynasty, Jing Hao (850/856 – 923/936), a recluse in the Taihang Mountains during the Five Dynasties period, wrote Brushwork Notes, which inherited from Xie He’s “Six Methods”, and initiated the transmission of painting tradition from the Northern Song Dynasty to the Southern Song Dynasty, and was a pivotal document for the establishment of the language of brushwork and inkwork in Chinese painting, and hence the transformation of painting into ink and wash. Jing Hao was a painter who was a Confucian scholar and then a recluse, capable of poetry and good at rhetoric, thus forming a different route for the entire traditional Chinese painting style, technical path, aesthetic value and artistic spirit, which distinguished from the route of painting in red and green colors, and “became the authentic painting” (in the words of Huang Binhong). There are many versions of Brushwork Notes that have survived through history, and there are many different opinions on its authenticity, but the main viewpoint of the academic community is that the book has its origins and has been passed down in a certain way, rather than being a fabrication. Given the depth of the combination of its viewpoints with Confucian and Taoist thought, the accuracy of its experience from practice, and the influence of later generations, even if its name is removed, it is also a masterpiece that cannot be bypassed in the history of painting practice and thought. The core value presented in the book is “truth”. The evaluation criteria of “six essentials” (Qi, Yun, Thought, Scene, Stroke and Ink) and “four qualities” (spirit, subtlety, strangeness and ingeniousness), and the specific requirements of “four potentials” (sinew, flesh, bone, breath) and “two diseases” (tangible and intangible), can be deeply understood by combing with Lin Haizhong’s Journey through the Taihang Mountains as a clue and verifying them with his landscape painting practice. After the replacement of Western iconography and stylistics by AI algorithms, it is important to return to the origin point of independence of ink and landscape painting, to rethink the fundamentals issues of painting, and to find another possibility of modernity embedded in the Chinese tradition.


参笔法纸本水墨 Ink on paper34.5x61cm2016

Jing Hao’s Brushwork Notes begins with the question, “do you know brushwork?” This leads to the following three issues.

I. “Truth” and “Qi and Yun”

“Aiming at truth” and “Qi transformation theory”(气化论) are the core ideas of Jing Hao. He puts forward the idea of “pondering the images of things and taking their truth”, which means to exhaust the name and appearance of things in experience and to investigate their true nature. “Do not stick to the appearance with colors and take it as the real”: that is to say, the external form and the internal substance are not the same thing, belonging to two levels, denying the uniqueness of the meaning of the form. Rather, it is necessary to grasp the proper proportion between the real and the imaginary. We can get the truth only if we get the laws in things. “What is like gets its form and lose its Qi, and what is true prevails both in its Qi and matter.” Qi cannot stay in the level of form. It is the sum of the relationship between the becoming of things, and “truth” has the dual significance of the cosmic becoming structure and material reality. “What is true prevails both in its Qi and matter”, that is to say, “there are qualities, and interests are spiritual” (Zong Bing), Qi and interest are attached to matter, represented by paintings but not stick to them.







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